Danish Queen's visit to Argentina - PPH Pilot Program

The recent visit of Queen Margrethe II of Denmark to Argentina led to the signature of various agreements with the aim of strengthening the commercial, political and cultural relationships between Argentina and Denmark.

In the field of intellectual property, the Director of our Patent and Trademark Office signed a PPH agreement in order to accelerate the granting of patents for Danish applicants in Argentina and for Argentinian applicants in Denmark.

We welcome this good news for companies with commercial interests in our country since the issuance of a Letter Patent can be reduced from years to two months after the filing of a PPH request (having amended the claims to match those granted in the country of which the priority has been claimed).

Without doubt this will result in more patent application filings in both countries and will give Danish companies a fruitful field to invest in Argentina.

Should you need more information about the agreement or any assistance in intellectual property in Argentina, do not hesitate to contact us.

Truly yours,