The Trademark and Patent Office (INPI) resume terms in Argentina

December 4th 2020
We take this opportunity to inform you that the terms at the Trademark and Patent Office which were suspended as from last March 13th, will be resumed next December 14th.
In those files where terms had already started before the suspension, same will only continue for their remaining time.
While in those files were terms have not yet commenced, same will run entirely after December 14th. In some particular cases (official actions in Trademark and Patents, as well as in final resolutions) the terms will be extended for another 30 days and will only start to run as from January 12th, 2021.
Please rest assured that we will keep you duly updated with any news that may arise, and that we will contact you in each particular file under our responsibility to inform you of its final deadline.
As usual, we kindly suggest not to delay the filings of new procedures or renewals since our offices are fully operative. Moreover, it is likely that INPI will suffer delays due to the increased workload once the deadlines are resumed.
Our thoughts are with those affected by this appalling disease. We hope this pandemic ends soon and everyone remains safe and healthy.
Kind regards,