Uruguay enhances patent protection with PCT approval

The Senate has unanimously approved Uruguay’s adhesion to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This decision, already backed by the House of Representatives, marks a significant advancement for the country.

The Trademark and Patent Office resume terms in Argentina

The Trademark and Patent Office (INPI) resume terms in Argentina December 4th 2020 We take this opportunity to inform you that the terms at the Trademark and Patent Office which were suspended as from last March 13th, will be resumed next December 14th. In those files where terms had already started before the suspension, same will […]

Free trade treaty: UE and the Mercosur

Free trade treaty Free Trade Treaty between the UE and the Mercosur – Impact in IP matters The UE and the Mercosur have finally signed a Free Trade Treaty which will definitely strengthen the commercial relationship between the European Union (which is the major commercial partner of the region) and the four founding members of the […]